


新萄新京十大正规网站的主要网站在2011年进行了上一次重大的重新设计. 新萄新京十大正规网站在哪里通过新的渠道推送信息, 这呈现了一个糟糕的客户体验, 从移动优化信息到“老”网站.

We have developed a new website which makes it easier for visitors to navigate and find the information and resources that are important to them. The website is easier to access using mobile devices and will help us improve the way our messages are communicated online.


The new website was launched to coincide with the launch of our new visual identity on 29 January 2019 and, 接下来的几个月, we will continue to make changes to any outstanding web pages that display our old style.


研究表明,人们对新萄新京十大正规网站的看法主要集中在被信任上, 可靠,让人放心, 近年来, 很明显,我们的品牌,尤其是, our visual black and white identity and tone of voice - wasn’t working for us.

在过去的两年里, 根据我们成员的意见, 客户和志愿者遍布世界各地, we worked with a branding agency that specialises in membership organisations to create a new brand strategy that’s fit for the future and better reflects the breadth and diversity of our activities.

实际上, our re-engineered brand helps us communicate consistently to our audiences across a broad range of 新萄新京十大正规网站 activities. It enables us to be more creative with our marketing materials and stand out clearly, 尤其是在社交媒体等日益数字化的环境中.


经过几次研究调查和焦点小组, we developed a new brand strategy that addresses the confusing proliferation of brands and logos that we previously had across the 新萄新京十大正规网站, 全新的叙述, 消息传递, 一个更友好的, 更像对话的语气, 一个新的外观和感觉和标志.

We’ve also invested in creating a new website that’s mobile responsive and enables visitors to find the information and resources that matter to them.


Our re-engineered brand helps us to explain the essence of who we are and why we champion engineering. Our new brand identity helps us convey the positive impact our work and engineering has on our members, 工程技术界和更广泛的社会.


We create a positive impact on everything we, and the engineering community, do and touch. 这就是为什么我们在帮助建设一个更美好的世界方面的作用如此重要.

The logo includes an equals sign, which represents how we are focused on the result of our impact. It also represents how the 新萄新京十大正规网站 equals many different things to many different people. That’s why our logo is flexible and can be used with a range of 消息传递 and imagery. The equals sign also champions equality, which is representative of our beliefs.

The new logo will feature our full name to ensure it’s clear that we are still the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

When will marketing materials, products and services adopt the new look and feel?

To make sure we roll out our new visual identity in the most cost-effective way, 我们将分三个阶段推出,直到2019年8月.


We are a diverse organisation – at our heart are our members – but we are also a charity with the vision of working to engineer a better world. Our charitable activities are supported by the commercial income we receive from our venues, 活动和知识服务. 我们改变世界的能力, 不管我们做什么,和谁说话, is a common thread behind all our different parts and our re-engineered brand will help us continue to make a positive impact in all of these areas.


确保以最具成本效益的方式推广我们的品牌, 我们将分三个阶段推出.

The majority of our brochures and printed material will only be updated when they need to be reviewed or re-printed, retiring brochures and printed material at the end of their useful life and then replacing them. We’ll also be refreshing the branding on our products and services in phases.

One thing we have invested in is a new 新萄新京十大正规网站 website to make it easier for our members, customers and other web visitors to find the information they’re looking for. This investment has been taken to meet member and customer requirements as it became apparent 近年来 through feedback that our old website was becoming increasingly difficult to navigate and was no longer fit for purpose.


我们举行了一系列焦点小组讨论, held in-depth interviews and conducted a survey to ask members and stakeholders about our current brand. The 年轻的新萄新京十大正规网站人士 community played a key role in the research to help us make sure we are appealing to a wider audience.

We held further focus groups with members and volunteers across the globe to test different concepts and then shared different options with the Board of Trustees. We also asked volunteers and members to get involved in the user acceptance testing for our new website.


We worked with a specialist branding agency that has worked with several membership organisations on different concepts, 我们在新萄新京十大正规网站和志愿者中进行了测试. 校董会批准了最终的标志概念.

The re-engineered brand “dumbs down” the 新萄新京十大正规网站 and risks our position as a learned society.

一点也不. 事实上, the members and stakeholders who reviewed the re-engineered brand before launch tell us it is more modern, professional and inclusive and works better across our broad range of services. 重新设计的品牌更加灵活,使我们能够激发灵感, 通知和影响-所有这些都在一个单一的品牌方法. 在发射前, we tested our new visual identity with different stakeholder groups who have been positive about the change.


We are still the same institution that our members, stakeholders and customers trust. 我们的新外观和网站更好地符合个人需求.